Buying a home that has been infested with pesky termites is not an inexpensive investment. If you are considering buying a home, a termite inspection may be required by your mortgage lender, but not required by law.
Termite activity on new home constructions
Inspecting the home for signs of termite infestation is an important step in the process of selling or buying a new home. An inspector looks for evidence of previous infestations including old exit holes and wood that was treated but never repaired.
Even if there is no evidence of current infestation inspectors must report any prior treatments. Inaccessible areas are often neglected during an inspection. These areas may include cabinets shelving walls electrical outlets and clutter. If the inspector cannot access the area it is likely that the termite infestation is present.
In addition to the economic impact of termites an inspection can also help you protect yourself from any liability that may arise from an infestation. For example a termite infestation can lead to increased property taxes.
Termite inspections can also reveal prior problems. If the property has had termite damage it is important to discuss this with the seller. If a home has significant termite damage the buyer should find out who is responsible for fixing it.
The termite control pest control company
A termite inspection may also reveal a problem that the seller was unaware of. As a buyer you can also use the inspection report to negotiate with the seller about any repairs that are necessary.
Besides pest management professionals HUD policies could affect real estate agents appraisers and home inspectors. Some of these changes may strengthen consumer awareness about the benefits of termite inspections. But others could further weaken the importance of a termite inspection. So what are the benefits of a termite inspection? If you are concerned about the cost of termite inspections consider contacting a pest management company.
In addition to termite inspections, the process of buying a home may also require termite inspections. The buyer can negotiate for repairs after the inspection which is a positive sign. In some cases, a termite inspection will also affect whether a mortgage company will lend money to a buyer. However, it is not mandatory in every state. If a home inspection reveals that there is termite damage the buyer may decide to pass on the deal.
Termite treatments can cost over $5,000
Termite treatments can range in price. The price of a perimeter application may be a few hundred dollars less than treating individual rooms inside the home. Spot treatments are less expensive per room but may not be as effective.
The cost of treating the entire home may be several times more than treating individual rooms. Fortunately, there are many ways to minimize the cost of treating termites. Listed below are some tips to help you make the right decision when choosing a treatment method for your home.
The first step in the process is to get an inspection of the structure for termite infestation. This will help the contractor determine the type of termite infestation and the cost of treatment. Most companies charge $50 to $350 for this inspection though some roll it into the final cost of the treatment.
An annual inspection is a standard part of a termite service plan. During this inspection, the inspector will check for signs of wood damage mud-filled construction joints and swarmers. If no prior termite damage has been made they may issue a termite clearance letter.
A thorough inspection will reveal whether termites have already invaded your structure. If you notice any of these signs you can contact a professional pest management company to help you get rid of the problem.
A professional exterminator will assess the condition of your property and recommend a tailored solution to prevent future termite infestations. These treatments can be over $8000 but they are well worth the money spent!
The most common type of termite treatment involves treating both drywood and subterranean termites. Drywood termites are harder to eliminate because their nests are nested in dry wood. Chemical fumigants and heat penetrate the wood and kill termites where they hide.
Drill and fill treatments which require drilling holes in the wood cost between $320 and 850 depending on the extent of the infestation.
Many homeowners choose organic termite treatments because they are safer and have less side effects. Organic treatments are typically less expensive but they may not be as effective. A more expensive method though requires annual rechecks.
In any case, the treatment must be accompanied by regular checks to ensure that the termites have been eliminated. The cost of termite treatment can exceed $8000 if you don’t take action as soon as you notice the infestation.
Mortgage lenders require termite inspections
If you’re in the market for a new home your mortgage lender may require a termite inspection of your prospective property. Termites can cause substantial damage to homes. While the homebuyer generally covers the cost of a termite inspection some lenders may not require the inspection. Whether or not a lender requires a termite inspection depends on the mortgage and the area of the home.
If termites are found you might want to get an inspection done before signing the mortgage paperwork. An inspection can cost between $50 and $100. Depending on the size of the home the inspection can last one to two hours. The inspector will check the house for visible signs of termite damage such as mud tubes and damaged wood. A termite inspection will save you time and money in the long run.
While your mortgage lender may not require a termite inspection it’s always good to have one. If you’re worried about termites an inspection can help you avoid a costly mistake later on. It’s important to hire an experienced and professional termite inspection company to ensure the safety of your new home.
Some damage caused by termites can be mistaken for weather damage. Only a trained professional can tell the difference.
Despite the fact that homeowners are not required by the federal housing administration or insurance providers to have a termite inspection, it is still a good idea to get one before buying a new house. Without an inspection, you’ll likely never know about any infestations. And if you do find a termite problem you’ll have a very difficult time finding a home buyer willing to pay you money.
Whether or not your lender requires a termite inspection depends on your state and county. A map published by the Council of American Building Officials shows the likelihood of termite infestations in your state.
A large portion of the country falls into a moderate to heavy risk category while Northern states have a low risk. In some areas, however, no termite inspection is required even if your property is in a state with a high risk of infestations.
Termite inspections are required for new construction
Termites are a major problem causing $5 billion in property damage each year. They are the ‘silent destroyers’ meaning they are hard to spot with the naked eye.
In addition, many people never know they have an infestation until the damage is extensive. As a result homeowners’ insurance policies are rarely covered for extensive damage caused by termites. Luckily there are several ways to protect your property from termite damage.
As a home buyer, it is critical to have your home checked for termites before you purchase it. Not only can they damage your home but they can prevent you from selling it. In addition to costing you a lot of money, a termite infestation can prevent you from selling your home. And even if your home is not infested the lender will require a termite inspection to ensure that it is pest-free.
Get a termite inspection before you purchase
Having a termite inspection performed before you purchase it will protect you from making an investment that could result in costly repairs or losses.
Although wood used in new construction is generally free of termites the soil around it can contain them. They can find their way into the wood and eventually infest your new home.
Another common culprit is mulch. Large single-shred wooden mulch is a common source of termites. Termites can live in this mulch and then find their way into the wood of your new home. In addition to wood termites can feed on other materials and contaminate the structure.
Although most builders offer a one-year warranty on new construction the homeowner is still responsible for ensuring that everything is in good working order. A home inspection will help uncover hidden defects that may go unnoticed by the naked eye.
It will also help you avoid costly problems in the future. And a good inspector will also be able to recommend a plan for correction. This way your investment in your home is protected from costly problems down the road.