When a home is infested with a termite population the question arises: how long do termites live? Termites are divided into three categories: reproductive worker and soldier. Each category has its own lifespan. Soldiers and reproductive termites live about two years. Reproductive termites live up to four years while soldiers and workers live for less than one year. Here is a breakdown of their lifespan.
Reproductive termites live to be 4 years old
Reproductive termites lay eggs hatch them and molt several times before they mature. This process happens over a four-year period and the reproductives have specific duties. In general reproductives die of predators and other insects and the surviving ones are responsible for creating new colonies. Reproductive termites typically fly in the spring but flights can happen any time of the year including winter.
Reproductive termites are not particularly good fliers but they will fly a short distance and then land to chew off their wings. They then mate and begin building a new colony. The reproductives lay between six and twelve eggs within a few days which may be a sign that a colony is ready to begin. The egg-laying capacity of subterranean species is limited to 100 eggs per year during the first year but it increases exponentially over time and a queen termite can lay thousands of eggs in a single day.
Termites are among the most prolific and productive pests on earth producing more methane than any other animal or insect. As a result they are responsible for the highest carbon emissions of any animal or insect. Researchers at Cornell University have found that termites can live up to four years after being born. While this lifespan is much longer than that of other pests it is still a major concern.
While worker termites do not reproduce they play a crucial role in their colonies. They perform important functions such as feeding and cleaning the other members of the colony. They may also act as protectors of the colony using their large mandibles to decapitate predators or throw sticky toxic fluid at enemies. Both the queen and the king secrete inhibitory pheromones that suppress reproductive activity of the workers. Additionally juvenile hormones affect caste differentiation.
The reproductive termites are black with long white wings. The wings are slightly rounded at the tip. Workers are often mistaken for winged ants but they do not have a pinched waist. In addition their wings do not have a cleft at the tip of the wings. Unlike the ants reproductive termites can survive without the queen. So they are a valuable asset to any home.
Reproductive termites are found in every state except for Alaska. This insect can be a problem in any home and if you are not aware of their presence it may be time to invest in a termite control treatment. The best way to prevent them from infesting your home is to line the soil around your foundations and walls with termite barriers and soil liners. These products are available at any time of year so you can protect your home during the swarming season.
Although termites do not carry diseases they do cause fungus and mold on wood which can kill trees and damage buildings. Depending on the species and cast reproductive termites can live one to four years. During this time they can produce up to 25 million winged reproductives. The lifespan of reproductive termites depends on their life cycle and their diet. During this time they may lay eggs lay new wings and swarm.
Soldiers live to be 2 years old
Child soldiers are recruited for various reasons: for their wives and girlfriends for their spies or for their own protection. Many do not even survive to their second birthday. Some do live to be 2 years old. In such cases child soldiers are coerced into joining armed groups. A lack of education and income opportunities can lead to a person’s decision to become a child soldier. Whether the decision is voluntary or not is another matter.
Armed conflict in areas of the world can result in families becoming internally displaced and refugees. These circumstances lead to the separation of children from their parents. In these cases the children may choose to become child soldiers as a form of protection. The most common reason child soldiers join armed groups is the threat they pose to their family and communities. Children who become child soldiers may be subjected to a high level of violence including sexual assault.
Workers live to be 2 years old
Termite workers are the youngest members of the colony. They develop into nymphs and eventually develop wings. Later on they can evolve into soldiers or secondary reproductives. Termite soldiers do not always have wings and some nymphs may even revert back to workers and lose their wings. Termite workers live to be about 2 years old and they will generally live in the colony for two to five years.
The life span of individual workers varies depending on the species and environmental conditions in which they live. These individuals can live for a year or two but they are part of a colony that can last for decades. The death of one worker does not affect the rest of the colony. Long-lived members of a society help each other and are necessary for the success of the society. Workers in a mature colony comprise workers nymphs soldiers queen and king.
Although workers do not fully develop physically they do most of the work of a colony. They feed other termites care for the babies and construct shelter tubes. Their pheromones allow them to communicate with each other and guide them. Termite colonies are responsible for billions of dollars in damages each year and the average worker lives for two years. In addition to damaging a home termites are also a significant source of food for many other creatures.
The queen of a termite colony may live more than 30 years and lay more than 2000 eggs per day. She may also live for 50 years or more but most workers will live for only two years with the queen usually living for a decade or more under optimum conditions. For drywood termite colonies the lifespan is generally between ten and twelve years with the lifespan of workers of between two and three years.
Termite colonies can multiply to 300 thousand workers within five years. During the reproductive phase of the colony the workers will produce a number of secondary queens often called satellite nests. The primary reproductives include the queen and king. Alates on the other hand do not have wings but have wing buds. They are sterile and do not contribute to the growth of the colony.
The reproductive phase begins with the nuptial flight of the queen which occurs when the reproductive cast swarms on leaves and then divides itself into the king and queen. These reproductives begin a life cycle that lasts up to two years. During this phase the worker produces a few eggs a day and eventually over a thousand. The reproductive phase of the termite’s life cycle ends after the worker lays over 1000 eggs per year.