Pre-Construction Termite Protection – Do You Need It?

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Are you wondering if you need Pre-Construction Termite Protection? If so read this article for helpful information. We’ll cover the costs what type of termiticides are used and the importance of Termi-mesh. After you’ve read this article you’ll be well-equipped to make a sound decision. It’s also important to note that soil treatments don’t require an advanced degree of knowledge of pesticides. Even so there are a few things you should know about these services such as how often they’re necessary and how to perform them.

Pre-Construction Termite Treatment

You may have heard about Pre-Construction termite treatment and wondered if you actually need it. Normally termite pretreatment is arranged by the building contractor and included in the total construction cost. However you must arrange for the treatment yourself if you are building a house yourself. Here are some things to remember before hiring a company to treat your house.

The most effective way to protect your house from termites is to have the foundation treated. Termites enter the house through windows and holes in the walls. Pre-Construction termite treatment includes treating the soil around the foundation of the house with relevant chemicals. This treatment is usually a two-part process. It involves applying termiticide to the soil near the foundation. The soil must be treated multiple times to prevent termite infestation.

Depending on the local building code pre-construction termite treatment may be required. The first step of this treatment is to treat the slab which should be completed after the footings are poured and the land is graded. The chemical solution applied to the slab should be one gallon per ten square feet. This treatment is often not necessary for pre-construction treatment but will save you money in the long run.

Why do you need Pre-Construction termite treatment? Pre-Construction termite treatment will prevent termites from destroying your woodwork before they even reach the foundation. It is also less expensive than treating an existing structure and the chemical barrier is not obstructed by objects like bushes or stumps. If you’re planning on building a new home it’s crucial to have it treated before it’s finished.


There are several factors that determine the cost of pre-construction termite treatment. The type of termiticide used and the amount used can vary greatly. The cost of a treatment for a 4000-square-foot home with heavy infestation will be higher than that of a small apartment with a light infestation. These differences come down to the amount of coverage and intensity needed to protect the home. Having a general idea of the cost involved will help you avoid being ripped off.

Liquid termiticides can prevent termites from entering the house. They are applied to the home’s foundation which can prevent them from entering the home. These treatments can cost between $3 and $16 per linear foot. Depending on the number of termites spotted a full termite treatment can cost anywhere from $700 to $4000. If you have a large infestation you may need a fumigation. The cost of pre-construction termite treatment will vary depending on the type of treatment you choose the size of the infestation and the location. Chemical treatments typically cost between $5 and $12 per linear foot of wall area.

A perimeter application is one of the most affordable methods of termite treatment. It involves applying a layer of termiticide around the entire house and is calculated in linear feet. There are several different perimeter applications and the cost varies widely. Perimeter applications cost anywhere from $3 to $16 per linear foot. If you’re planning on treating the interior of your home the cost of pre-construction treatment depends on how difficult it is to reach them the type of application and the extent of the infestation. It’s also essential to treat the entire house as termites may be present in other areas of the home.

Termiticides used

A standard pre-construction subterranean termite treatment occurs before the foundation slab is poured. In this process termiticides are applied to the soil to prevent future infestation. These chemicals have a minimal impact on the environment and the construction process. Termite barriers are also installed in the soil before the structure is built. Physical termite barriers are applied to piping penetrations and wood studs. Combined these treatments can keep termites from entering the structure.

Another form of pre-construction termite treatment involves the application of a liquid termiticide to the first two feet of wood in a structure. Bora-Care a compound of borate salt effectively eliminates the wood as a food source for termites. Termites cannot build mud tubes with treated wood and will abandon the treated area. In addition because it is applied to the structure Bora-Care will not harm the soil underneath the structure.

Traditional spray methods only penetrate one inch of the soil. Termiticides used in pre-construction termite treatment will typically cost 16 cents per square foot with the cost increasing if rodding or physical barriers are also requested. Termiticides are effective for six months to five years but the efficacy of these products depends on the type of soil in which they are applied. In addition high-pH-levels can affect the effectiveness of termiticides leaving the structure vulnerable to future infestation.

Termiticides used in pre construction termite treatment include a combination of insecticides and various construction practices. The application of a termiticide barrier can be repeated several times depending on the building codes and the type of construction being performed. As many homeowners know a proper pre-construction termite treatment is essential to protect their homes and businesses from termite infestations.


Borate Treatment is a popular pre-construction termite treatment that uses a chemical similar to boric acid. The treatment is usually applied to structural wood members before sheetrock and siding are installed. This chemical is sold under the trade names BoraCare (r) and Bor-ram (r). Termites can enter a slab home through the expansion joint. Termite treatment on wood does not protect the home from termites however it stops mud tubes on foundation walls.

During construction a Termi-mesh system is installed to block hidden access points for subterranean termites. The system is made from marine-grade stainless steel woven wire mesh that is impenetrable to termites without using chemical poisons. Because the components of the Termimesh System are non-toxic they are installed under strict quality assurance standards.

Termite damage is very costly to repair and treatments may not be sustainable. In this day and age the only real way to prevent termites is to prevent them before construction begins. With pre-construction termite treatments you can protect the soil from termites and ensure a healthy home for future generations. This method is more sustainable and environmentally-friendly than traditional treatments. The use of chemical termiticides is not enough to protect your home against termites. But with this innovative method you can build a safe healthy home without worrying about termites.

Termi-mesh pre-construction treatment requires a skilled technician to install it. Termi-mesh is new to the continental United States. It has been used in Hawaii and Australia for many years. Installing this system is recommended by a certified termite inspector. You can also get the benefits of a renewable damage warranty. In the event of an infestation Termi-mesh pre-construction termite treatment will protect your new home for years to come.

Bait stations

Pre-construction termite treatment involves placing bait stations around the perimeter of a house. The stations should be placed at intervals of about 10 to 15 feet and one to three feet from the foundation of a house. The baits are placed near moist areas and wood piles to attract termites. Placement is important because termites must be able to discover and locate the stations. It is crucial to work with a professional pest control company who has trained technicians who know exactly where to place them.

These devices are placed in areas where termites are active feeding. Because they’re low-profile they should blend in with the landscape. They contain a mixture of ingredients that mimic the type of food that termites eat in the wild. Eventually the termites will find the bait and die. Bait stations are designed to mimic this natural behavior. A single bait station will kill an entire colony.

To prevent termites from using a bait station a homeowner must install them around the perimeter of a structure. The stations should be placed around 10 to 15 feet apart and in areas of the structure that are suspected of termite activity. They should also be placed near areas of previous damage. Bait stations are effective pre-construction termite treatment options. Whether you use a bait station for pre-construction termite treatment or an on-going treatment bait stations are an environmentally-friendly and cost-effective way to protect your property from termites.

In South Carolina pre-construction termite treatments are mandatory. Three different methods are approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Palmetto Exterminators uses wood treatment the most. The baits remain active for five years. Bait stations for pre-construction termite treatment

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